Monday, 13 February 2012

This will be the first of many post over the course of the next year and a bit. I am so excited to be going to Switzerland this summer on a year exchange!

Before my story can carry on, I must first go back to where my journey began.

On  Friday, November 25, 2011, there were a few tables set up in my school cafeteria promoting different exchange programs. I picked up a few forms to bring home and discuss with my parents. The rotary Youth Exchange Program stood out for me because my mom had participated in this program when she was my age. I talked with my parents that night and they were fully supportive of my decision, they only asked me to sleep it over because it is a big decision to go to another country for a year. The next morning I was still set on apply to do this exchange, so I started filling out the application form.
On Tuesday, November 29, I e-mailed my application in. Later that night I received an email back saying there is an interview night for applicants on the following Tuesday.
That Tuesday night was probably one of the few times I was so nervous that my face went numb. After the interview, I shook everyone's hand I they said, we will call you on Thursday to let you know. The next couple of days were gut wrenching, I just couldn't wait for that phone call to come. Thursday night came and went, so I thought I hadn't been accepted and they only called the lucky person that night and I would get a call the following day to hear that I was not accepted. I tried to prepare myself for what I thought was coming.
On Friday evening, while my mom was on the line, an unfamiliar number comes in. My mom switches lines and comes running upstairs to my room and says, "Jessie, it's them," I said, "wait them, them?" I quickly get on the phone couching myself that I didn't get it, when Rob says, we've selected you as the student to represent our club. I couldn't believe my ears, I was going on a year long exchange.
Since that point it all felt like a dream, even when I was filling out mountains of paperwork, it was just a dream that I never wanted to wake up from.

I am so honored that I was selected to represent my sponsoring Rotary Club, Rotary International, Barrie, and Canada as an exchange student in Switzerland.

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