Sunday, 9 December 2012


When I was a baby and crying in the night my Mom would walk up and down the hall trying to calm me down. Then my Dad would take me and three seconds later I would stop crying. He said it was because I could feel the frustration and stress of my mom growing and then my Dad being all calm. It always bugged my Mom when he would tell this story, and that's part of the reason of why he would tell me that story.

I could never get me head wrapped around the idea that a baby could feel the difference. Now I think I have more of an understanding of how people can be sensitive to their surrounding. My host family's life is a situation that I do not know how to deal with it. Every family has it's problems and any person who denies it has major problems.

What I have learned so far is that the simplest or subtlest things effects everyone in the situation and anyone outside of it. We don't live in our own little bubbles.

Silence can be just as deafening as Screams.

The one thing I keep telling myself is that I need to learn from this experience...

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